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Peanut Butter Cookie Protein Dip

Peanut butter cookie protein dip recipe 


  • 2/3 c nonfat Greek yogurt 

  • 1 serving The Peachie Spoon Vanilla Protein Powder

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 T Pb (peanuts & salt)

  • 1-2 T peanuts to top

  • dash pink salt

  • 1 apple, sliced for dipping &/or celery stalks


🍑 Nourishment Breakdown

Serves 1

Macros for dip:
Calories: 300 | Fat: 10g | Carb: 12g | Fiber: 2g | Protein: 40g

Macros for dip with apple:
Calories: 395 | Fat: 10g | Carb: 37g | Fiber: 7g | Protein: 40g

PROTEIN yogurt, powder
FAT peanut butter, peanuts
FIBER some in apple &/or celery 
CARB/STARCH Apple if having 

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