Kids Smoothie (11 and under)

Introduce a burst of nutrition with this delicious Kids Smoothie, specially crafted to appeal to young taste buds. Start with a nutritious foundation by blending together 3/4 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of oats, providing a wholesome and filling base.

Incorporate 1/2 serving of flavored protein powder, adding a delightful twist while ensuring a protein boost. Include 1/2 cup of any fruit, whether it's frozen or fresh, to infuse natural sweetness and essential vitamins.

For an extra nutritional punch, add 1/2 cup of cauliflower or ice to keep the smoothie cool and refreshing. To enhance the creamy texture and add healthy fats, introduce 1 tablespoon of peanut or almond butter.

If your little ones are up for an adventurous twist, throw in a handful of spinach for a subtle green hue and an extra dose of nutrients. Blend everything until smooth, creating a tasty and wholesome Kids Smoothie that combines flavors they'll love with the goodness their growing bodies need.


  • 3/4 c milk

  • 1/4 c oats (optional)

  • 1/2 serving flavored protein powder

  • 1/2 c any fruit frozen or fresh

  • 1/2 c cauli or ice

  • 1 T peanut or almond butter

  • 1 handful of spinach (if they’re ok with a green smoothie)


  1. You can also swap out the protein powder for a greek yogurt for the protein source. A flavored yogurt will make it taste the best.

Kids Smoothie

Kids Smoothie
Servings: 1
Prep time: 2 Min: 2 Min


  • 3/4 c milk
  • 1/4 c oats (optional)
  • 1/2 serving flavored protein powder
  • 1/2 c any fruit frozen or fresh
  • 1/2 c cauli or ice
  • 1 T peanut or almond butter
  • 1 handful of spinach


  1. You can also swap out the protein powder for a greek yogurt for the protein source. A flavored yogurt will make it taste the best.

PROTEIN powder

FAT nut butter

FIBER spinach, cauliflower

STARCH fruit

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